顧客如揸車過黎,由茶果嶺道一路上,過左大本營轉右入四山街,一路直去。過左 華利(左前方) / 世運(右方) 就會見到崇耀街入口係右手邊。唔洗怕,轉入去la! 跟手再轉左,然後直去。你就會見到安定電單車係你的左手邊啦!
Dear Customer, if you are driving, please enter Sze Shan St. (!!!Not Ko Fai Rd!!!) from Cha Kwo Ling Rd. Go straight, pass Chun Pak Commerical Bdg and you will spot an intersection on your right. Keep Clam And Get IN! Then, turn left, and keep going along the Shung Yiu St., and Vetex Motor will be on your LEFT hand side!